Friday didn't go as well. We were the first ones to arrive and he was uneasy - didn't want me to go. His teacher tried to engage him in an activity, but he sensed that meant I was leaving for sure and it escalated. She picked him up and motioned for me to exit. So, I left when he was close to tears - after a quick kiss on the head as she pulled him away. Heinous. I cried in the car on the way home - knowing that I am a rookie mom when it comes to this and knowing that he would be fine, but feeling for him anyway. Wishing I had waited and helped him to get settled. I got home and called my sister - an elementary school speech therapist whose first job out of college was in a preschool. As I sniffled into the phone, she told me that he would be okay and - no - I didn't need to call. But, I am weak - so I called anyway. He was totally fine. Stopped crying within minutes - as soon as another little boy arrived.
I am still getting used to this.
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