Meanwhile - the (amazing and fabulous) doula is arriving any moment now for her last visit. She's come to help about once a week since Matteo arrived and has been a total and absolute life saver. It will be sad to say goodbye to her AND the naps she allows me and the dinners she provides - but I am eager to graduate into the world "two - by myself". Part one of my graduation came yesterday at my six week midwife appointment. It was so strange knowing it was my last visit (for awhile, anyway) - after going once a week for so long and sitting and chatting and planning and crying to anticipating for so many months with those wonderful, caring women. I never thought I'd say this - but I am actually looking forward to my summer pap smear - just to visit with all of them again.
I can't wait until Debbie returns this afternoon and - with her - another good friend who will visit for the weekend. March holds lots of visiting, too - this being Florida and all. So much to look forward to...
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